Terminal brain cancer patient chooses life over suicide

EUTHANASIA flowersStuff co.nz 15 January 2017
Family First Comment: “My fear is if they introduce euthanasia, there are a lot of people that think I should die, that I’ve had my treatment. I was supposed to die and I’m still living. I believe there would be a lot of people who say I’ve done my dash and should go.”
“I just decided, ‘Right, today I’m going to kill myself’.”
With pills set out on her kitchen counter, Vicki Walsh prepared to end her own life to escape the constant exhaustion of her cancer.
But after a cup of tea she decided otherwise.
Walsh had been given 12-14 months to live due a terminal brain tumour — that was five years ago.
During one of her darkest points she decided it was too much.
“I was mentally and utterly exhausted and I just thought if this is it, this isn’t what I want.”
She tidied the house, made herself a cup of tea and put a set of pills on the kitchen counter.
“I went and had that cup of tea, came back inside and thought ‘not today’.
READ MORE: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/88299808/Terminal-brain-cancer-patient-chooses-life-over-suicide?cid=app-iPhone


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