Laurie Penny: ‘I’ve been polyamorous for nearly a decade. Here’s how I make it work’

polygamy 2NZ Herald 15 October 2017
Family First Comment: Oh look! Yet another column by the mainstream media promoting and normalising polyamory.
But hey! Redefining marriage won’t lead to further distortions of the definition. That’s just “scaremongering” …. apparently.
Polyamory- if you believe the newspapers – is the hot new lifestyle option for affectless hipsters with alarming haircuts, or a sex cult, or both.

A wave of trend articles and documentaries has thrown new light on the practice, also known as ‘ethical non-monogamy’, a technical term for any arrangement in which you’re allowed to date and snuggle and sleep with whomever you want, as long as everyone involved is happy.

Responses to this idea range from parental concern to outright panic.

Sleeping around is all well and good, but do we have to talk about it? Have we no shame? What’s wrong, after all, with good old-fashioned adultery?

Having been polyamorous for almost a decade, I spend a good deal of time explaining what it all means.

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