Qantas staff given list of ‘offensive, gender-inappropriate’ words to avoid

NewsHub 5 March 2018
Family First Comment: The new speech police for airline staff – “Try not to say ‘mum’ ‘dad’ ‘husband’ ‘wife’”

Qantas employees have been given a list of ‘gender-inappropriate’ words to avoid so they don’t offend passengers or fellow staff members.

Gender specific vocabulary such as “guys”, “love”, and “honey” are included on the list of words to avoid.

It also specifies a preference for “partner” or “spouse” over “husband” and “wife”.

Staff are encouraged to use the word “parents” over “mum and dad” to avoid excluding LGBTQI families.

This comes as the airline begins its ‘Spirit of Inclusion’ month.

Staff have also been educated about language surrounding Australia’s history.

“Describing the arrival of Europeans as a ‘settlement’ is a view of Australian history from the perspective of England rather than Australia,” the assigned information pack says.

The words “colonisation”, “occupation”, or “invasion” should be used instead.

The information pack also advises against “manterruptions” – when men interrupt and speak over women.

“We have a long and proud history of promoting inclusion among our people, our customers and society, including support of indigenous issues, gender parity in business and marriage equality,” the information pack reads.

The pack was created by the Diversity Council of Australia.

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