Immigration admits underreporting migrant sex work complaints

NewsHub 1 May 2018
Family First Comment: Disturbing…
The sex industry is struggling with an influx of migrants engaging in sex work…

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has admitted to providing inaccurate information about the number of complaints they’ve received about illegal migrant sex work.

The sex industry is struggling with an influx of migrants engaging in sex work, putting Kiwis out of work. People on a temporary or student visa are not legally allowed to engage in paid sex work in New Zealand.

Last week an INZ spokesperson told NZME that they’ve only received eight complaints in relation to migrant workers illegally advertising sex work online.

Newshub has been given a spreadsheet showing 34 complaints made by one person alone via Crimestoppers in August 2017 about suspected migrants advertising sexual services on

It lists the names, locations and ages of the women suspected to be working illegally, as well as including a link to each woman’s ad on

This information seems to contradict INZ’s claim that they have only received eight complaints about migrant sex work.

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