WARNING: Greens would legalise euthanasia for terminally-ill adults

greenpartylogoNewsTalk ZB 22 September 2016
Family First Comment: Yet another reason to keep the Greens away from any form of power.
The Green Party says it will legalise medically-assisted dying if in Government.
It is the first political party to formally adopt a voluntary euthanasia policy in its manifesto.
The new policy was announced today by health spokesman Kevin Hague, who is leaving Parliament next week.
“I am pleased that one of my final acts as an MP … is to launch this policy, which will allow people to choose to die with dignity,” he said.
In his valedictory speech on Tuesday, Hague urged Parliament to “be brave” and grapple with important issues such as assisted dying.
“Political timidity” was holding up reform in this area, he said.
READ MORE: http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/politics/greens-would-legalise-euthanasia-for-terminally-ill-adults/
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