Parent power 1 v radical sex education 0
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been exposing just how extreme and harmful the sexuality and gender ideology is in schools. It’s been sanctioned…
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been exposing just how extreme and harmful the sexuality and gender ideology is in schools. It’s been sanctioned…
We’re told that if we don’t ‘affirm’ young people with gender dysphoria towards puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, that they will suffer mental harm. But…
In 2020, UNICEF ranked New Zealand last of 38 developed countries in child mental well-being. And when you look at the data, it’s pretty depressing…
In 2020, UNICEF ranked New Zealand last of 38 developed countries in child mental well-being. In a new report for Family First, researcher Lindsay Mitchell explores the UNICEF claim.
When does surrogacy become a commercial venture? A recent article published in Newsroom says “The [Law Commission’s recent] report recommends amending the Human Assisted Reproductive…
As you will know, earlier this month the Government repealed the 3 Strikes Law. Under the 3 Strikes Law, any adult convicted of a third…
UK ethicist Gary Powell has been a gay rights activist for over forty years, and has been campaigning against surrogacy since 2014. He argues that…
Young people are being told that who or what they identify as is more important than biological reality. If they’re biologically male, who cares. They…
The transgender propaganda continues – and the worst part is that it is exploiting and harming very young vulnerable children. It’s coming not just from…
Left wing website “The Spinoff” recently did a pro-abortion story – which is no surprise that they’re pushing that narrative – but it was the…