McBlog - HRC

“Human Rights” – just not yours

The Human Rights Commission is an activist group that should be immediately defunded. Their latest publication on ‘conversion therapy’, their “advice” for churches, and the shoddy research and misleading statements proves that they have no credibility and are simply trying to justify their existence. But it’s gonna be cold tonight – so the 102 pages will be the perfect fire starter.

McBlog - Trump Shot

Trump’s attempted assassination

Michael Geer is the founding President and CEO of the Pennsylvania Family Institute – an organisation similar to Family First in NZ. Today we speak to him about the disturbing event in his home state yesterday, his family connection to the area where it happened, the mood in the US, and the impact on the upcoming elections in November.

McBLOG - Some MPs need to man up

Some MPs need to man-up and protect women

It’s time some senior politicians including Chris Hipkins, Chris Bishop and Willie Jackson manned up on the transgender issue and protected female sports rather than listening to ‘theologian’ and head of Sports NZ Raelene Castle. Sports should be focused on biology because that means safety and fairness come first. Transgender people do have a basic human right to play sport, in their biological sex as has been done since at least 1745. We analyse the weak responses made last week by these MPs.