Brothel Fundraiser for Kids’ Charity Labelled ‘Tacky’

child shockedMedia Release 16 Feb 2016
Family First NZ says that an
attempt by a South Taranaki brothel to promote its business and normalise prostitution under the guise of a charitable fundraiser should be rejected by the charity concerned.

“This is simply a cynical attempt by the sex industry to try and normalise a business by having an ‘Open Home’ which many in the community will object to. To then associate prostitution with children and promote the brothel via a charity feeding children is just tacky,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.
“How can we be serious about reducing sexual violence against women when brothels legitimise the sexual abuse and exploitation of vulnerable people? There is a healthy stigma against prostitution – and for good reason.”
Family First is calling on the charity to reject any association with the brothel and its self-promotion attempts.
“Even the architect of the bill to decriminalise prostitution has admitted that the politicians were naïve regarding the harms to workers, and the Prime Minister John Key believes the legalisation of prostitution has failed to safeguard sex workers and bring a halt to underage prostitution.”
“Families don’t want brothels – no matter how large or small – in communities and located near schools, churches, maraes or family shopping precincts and restaurants. We are being regularly contacted by families around the country who are opposed to brothels opening in their community.”
“The association of prostitution with gang and criminal behaviour, alcohol and drug abuse, underage prostitution, and sexual abuse and violence means that more and more women and young people are being sentenced to an unacceptable situation,” says Mr McCoskrie.

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