Babies with involved fathers learn faster, study finds

father and newbornBBC News 10 May 2017
Family First Comment:This study comes after research by Oxford University found confident fathers, who embraced becoming a parent, were less likely to have children who displayed behavioural issues before the teenage years.
An active male role in the early stages of babies’ development produced better performance in cognitive tests by the age of two, researchers found.
The team from Imperial College London, King’s College London and Oxford University, says the findings show the value of early paternal involvement.
They said the signs could be seen from as early as three months.
The study said there was “compelling support” for the importance of a mother’s impact on a child’s cognitive development, but more interest was now focused on the association between father-infant interactions and development.
It said previous studies had found that men tended to have a “more stimulating, vigorous” style, encouraging a child’s risk-taking and exploration tendencies, which in turn might facilitate cognitive development.

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