Who voted against all attempts to moderate the extreme abortion bill?

There were three specific amendments to the abortion legislation that were voted on last night.

All three were designed to make the bill less extreme, and to balance the law just a small amount towards the unborn child.

They were:

1.‘care of a child born’ – a requirement that a qualified health practitioner who performed an abortion that results in the birth of a child after an attempted abortion has a duty to provide the child with appropriate medical care and treatment, no different than the duty owed to provide medical care and treatment to any other child born – DEFEATED

2.requirement for abortion procedures post-20 week to ensure that fetus does not feel pain (as per the Animal Welfare Act which requires vets to ensure that animals don’t feel pain) – DEFEATED

3.abortions post-20 weeks only for extreme circumstances – DEFEATED


NATIONAL MPs who voted against all three:
Amy Adams, Andrew Bayly, Chris Bishop,  Andrew Falloon, Brett Hudson, Nikki Kaye, Barbara Kuriger, Scott Simpson, Erica Stanford, Anne Tolley, Nicola Willis, Jian Yang (12)
Didn’t vote for all three but voted against ‘care of child born after abortion’:
Paula Bennett, Dan Bidois, David Carter, Stuart Smith, Nicky Wagner,
Couldn’t be bothered voting on any of them:
Judith Collins

LABOUR MPs who voted against all three:

Kiri Allan, Ginny Andersen, Jacinda Ardern, David Clark, Tamati Coffey, Liz Craig, Clare Curran, Kelvin Davis, Ruth Dyson, Paul Eagle, Kris Faafoi, Peeni Henare, Chris Hipkins, Raymond Huo, Willie Jackson, Iain Lees-Galloway, Andrew Little, Marja Lubeck, Jo Luxton, Kieran McAnulty, Trevor Mallard, Stuart Nash, Damien O’Connor, Greg O’Connor, David Parker, Willow-Jean Prime, Grant Robertson, Deborah Russell, Jenny Salesa, Carmel Sepuloni, Aupito William Sio, Jan Tinetti, Phil Twyford, Louisa Wall, Angie Warren-Clark, Duncan Webb, Poto Williams, Megan Woods (38)
Didn’t vote for all three but voted against ‘care of child born after abortion’:
Nanaia Mahuta, Adrian Rurawhe, Anahila Kanongata’a-Suisuiki, Jamie Strange, Rino Tirikatene, Meka Whaitiri

NZ FIRST MPs who voted against all three:

Darroch Ball, Shane Jones, Jenny Marcroft, Ron Mark, Tracey Martin, Clayton Mitchell, Mark Patterson, Winston Peters, Fletcher Tabuteau (all 9 MPs)


GREEN MPs who voted against all three:
Marama Davidson, Julie Anne Genter, Golriz Ghahraman, Gareth Hughes, Jan Logie, Eugenie Sage, James Shaw, Chloe Swarbrick (all 8 MPs)


INDEPENDENT / ACT PARTY who voted against all three:
Jami-Lee Ross / David Seymour

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