Should alcohol sponsorship be allowed? ONE News poll shows country divided

alcohol binge drinkers tuiOneNews 1 March 2015
The country is split on whether alcohol sponsorship should be banned, according to the latest ONE News Colmar Brunton poll.

Asked if the Government should ban alcohol sponsorship and advertising, 47% said yes and 45% said no.

A ministerial report has recommended a number of initiatives in a bid to clamp down on alcohol related harm, including banning alcohol sponsorship and advertising on televised sports.

But associate Health Minister Peter Dunne points out it’s not a simple task.

“How do you curb the excesses of alcohol sponsorship without leading to there being no sponsorship and no sporting and cultural activity taking place?” Mr Dunne questioned.

“Some have said we do like when tobacco sponsorship was removed, it was a far lower level of sponsorship and the Crown simply picked up the costs, that might not be feasible today.”

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