REJECT ASSISTED SUICIDE: It’s not too late to speak up to Protect!

PROTECT: Caring. Not Killing.We need your voice to speak up on the issue of assisted suicide / euthanasia.
You may have been intending to make a submission to the Select Committee considering this issue, but either ran out of time before Christmas or didn’t know where to start.
We can help – and it’s not too late!
Family First NZ has a website dedicated to helping families oppose assisted suicide, and to help them make a submission to the inquiry being carried out by Parliament’s Health Committee.
The website has all the info you need, and an accompanying 8-page pamphlet resource “PROTECT: Caring. Not Killing.”
Here’s how to make a submission. CLICK HERE
The final date for Submissions is 1 February 2016, That’s just three weeks away. Don’t delay – please speak up.
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