Cannabis referendum up in smoke?

marijuana logo no brainer dot org dot auNewsHub 5 May 2016
Family First Comment: Good!
“Cannabis Party leader Julian Crawford says the vibe he’d got from Labour leader Andrew Little was that he “sounded positive” the idea of a referendum was being progressed by Labour.”
They call it ‘dope’ for a reason :)

Labour is rubbishing claims it is backing a referendum on decriminalising cannabis, following a statement from the Cannabis Party.

Cannabis Party leader Julian Crawford says the vibe he’d got from Labour leader Andrew Little was that he “sounded positive” the idea of a referendum was being progressed by Labour.

Mr Crawford says he’d had several informal meetings with Mr Little including running into him in public places and during his recent trips to Oamaru and Dunedin.

“We came up with the idea to start with at the Cannabis Party AGM, and we looked into the idea of a citizens-initiated referendum, but realised it would require a lot of signatures and wouldn’t be binding, so we turned our attention to a Parliamentary-created referendum which can be binding. We passed that on to Labour,” he said.

He believes the issue of decriminalisation and medical cannabis would bring a lot of “disenfranchised voters” back to Labour.

“He said he is in favour of the idea, but I’m unsure about whether he’s got the backing of his colleagues, certainly some of the meetings we’ve had with other Labour MPs they’ve been a bit reluctant so there seems to be a bit of a delay getting it to the ballot.”

The Cannabis Party was encouraging the party and also providing them with information on how the decriminalisation law was working in the US state of Colorado.


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