New Zealanders ‘don’t need’ legal cannabis – Mark Richardson

NewsHub 23 October 2018
Family First Comment:  Well said, Mark. 
“A new (online!) survey from Massey University showed the most favoured regime for legal weed was home production and use only (27 percent) followed by a profit-driven market (21 percent).” 
Online survey 
21% commercial 
27% grow-your-own 
“Strong support”? – nope. 
Wait until public hear both sides of debate. (IF the media actually allow both sides. Some media personalities will have to declare themselves as “Promoters” for the Referendum.) 
#SayNopeToDope       #DrugFree2025

Mark Richardson has lashed out at the suggestion New Zealand should legalise marijuana for personal use.

A new survey from Massey University showed most people are in favour of legalising the drug for personal use. The most favoured regime for legal weed was home production and use only (27 percent) followed by a profit-driven market (21 percent).

The AM Show host Ryan Bridge says New Zealand should just “go for it” when it comes to legalisation.

“Why not, Canada’s done it. The sky hasn’t fallen in, what’s the harm?” he said.

But Richardson argued the drug would be just another vice to add to the list.

“It doesn’t do us any good. Neither does sugar, neither does alcohol – these things we’re outraged against,” he said.

“We don’t actually need it and sometimes if we don’t need something we should say ‘sorry you’re not getting it’ and then make sure they crunch down on those that are providing it illegally.”



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