Police investigate death of unborn baby after home abortion (UK)

Daily MaIl 23 May 2020
Family First Comment: Similar to NZ’s approach
“Abortion laws were relaxed due to the coronavirus pandemic, allowing women to take both pills at home. The measures were put in place so women didn’t have to go to a hospital or a clinic. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (Bpas) runs the ‘pills by the post’ service.”
Read more about NZ’s radical new law – LoveThemBoth.nz

Police are investigating after an unborn baby died after its mother took abortion drugs at home while 28 weeks pregnant.

The woman was four weeks past the legal termination limit in England and 18 weeks past the ten-week limit for taking the abortion pills at home under new measures.  The baby was stillborn.

Abortion laws were relaxed due to the coronavirus pandemic, allowing women to take both pills at home.

The measures were put in place so women didn’t have to go to a hospital or a clinic.

A Midlands coroner is investigating the 28-week death and police have also been informed, The Sun reported.

Women can use these pills up to the 10th week of their pregnancy. The termination limit in the UK is 24 weeks.
READ MORE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8349739/Police-investigate-death-unborn-baby-woman-took-abortion-drugs-home-28-weeks-pregnant.html


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