Hospital tells staff to use terms ‘chestfeeding’ and ‘human milk’
BristolLive 10 February 2021
Family First Comment: Human biology has officially left the building and replaced by human ‘ideology’ and ‘wokeness’….
– “Breast/chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding”
– “Human milk” or “breast/chestmilk” instead of “breastmilk”
– “Maternal and parental” or “maternal/parental” instead of “maternal”
– “Woman or person” instead of “woman”
Terms like “chestfeeding” and “human milk” are being introduced at an NHS trust in a bid to boost inclusivity.
Staff have been asked to use gender-neutral language alongside – not instead of – traditional terms to ensure that all groups are represented.
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH) is the first in the country to use what it calls the “additive use of gender-inclusive language”.
A policy document on the trust’s website explains that the approach involves “using gender-neutral language alongside the language of womanhood, in order to ensure that everyone is represented and included”.
It adds: “Gender identity can be a source of oppression and health inequality.
“We are consciously using the words ‘women’ and ‘people’ together to make it clear that we are committed to working on addressing health inequalities for all those who use our services.”