Are there ‘ex-gays’? Milo Yiannopoulos says ‘Yes’ and he should know
MercatorNet 12 March 2021
The flamboyant gay activist Milo Yiannopoulos made headlines this week. The conservative British polemicist and writer says that he is now an “ex-gay”.
The news was overshadowed by the hullabaloo over a couple of other Brits who were interviewed by Oprah Winfrey.
Yiannopoulos is not as well known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but he has a message which is more important than their woes. He is speaking out about his lived experience as a gay man at a time when Australia and most Western nations are outlawing not only therapeutic assistance but even the slightest suggestion that a person’s sexual attraction could change.
And the most unlikely witness to this is Yiannopoulos.
The Victorian Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021 “denounce[s] and give[s] statutory recognition to the serious harm caused by change or suppressionpractices”.
Parliament believes that “conversion therapy” is “deceptive and harmful both to the person subject to the change or suppression practices and to the community as a whole”.
However, plenty of critics, including LGB Alliance Australia, the Victorian Women’s Guild, and the Institute for Civil Society have shown that it is Parliament which is being deceptive. It is clearly causing harm to the bodies, rights and protections of homosexuals, women, and children. The only beneficiaries of this law are the pharmaceutical, medical and surgical industries.
“Of course, I was never wholly at home in the gay lifestyle — Who is? Who could be?” Yiannopoulos declared in an interview.
On a personal note, I feel the same way and so do others who have walked away from the cult of LGBTQ+ indoctrination, liturgies and identity politics.
To dare to leave the cult is damning. “Serious harm will befall you… your government supports you and believes in you… you are not broken and in need of fixing!” Australian leaders Steve Miles, Chief Minister Andrew Barr and Premier Daniel Andrews ingratiate themselves with LGBTQ+-identifying youth, pouring millions of dollars into mental health programs that seldom help their pain.
For Yiannopoulos to leave the cult – and his boyfriend, who has now been demoted to housemate – to pursue another man named Christ, rejecting decades-old doctrines of the LGBTQ+ sect for the millennia-old doctrines of the Catholic Church, will be a serious blow to LGBTQ+ proselytizing.
Yiannopoulos is confirming what a multitude of ex-gays, ex-lesbians and ex-transgenders have been saying for years. (Check out the state of current research in this excellent Australian report, “Free To Change: Survey of 78 ex-LGBT people”.) Sexual attraction and deep-rooted insecurities around a person’s male or female identity can and do indeed change with the right help.
Yiannopoulos said in his interview: “Over the next decade, I would like to help rehabilitate what the media calls ‘conversion therapy’. It does work, albeit not for everybody.” I suggest that more people, young and old alike, join him in backing sound methods of conversion therapy. A change of heart (and policy) might help the young fellow snubbed by Premier McGowan.