Both my children are equally human, yet only one is recognised as such

Stuff 26 July 2019
Family First Comment: Well said, Anna! ?
“My youngest is 3 months old – a wriggly, active little baby who never stays still long enough to get a clear photo. It is also still in my womb. Some would say I can’t really call this one a baby either. Not yet…. I’m the mother of two children.”

OPINION: I am a mother of two. My eldest is 21 months old – a lively, determined little boy who loves to put on his own shoes and place his toys in an orderly row.

I can’t really call him a baby. Not anymore. He is running, climbing, talking and growing so fast I can hardly keep up.

My youngest is 3 months old – a wriggly, active little baby who never stays still long enough to get a clear photo. It is also still in my womb.

Some would say I can’t really call this one a baby either. Not yet.

When we had our 12-week scan recently, we got to see our baby on screen. It was amazing to see how fully formed it was. The sonographer checked its brain, heart, bladder and all four limbs. We could see it swallowing, sliding up and down, and see its legs crossed neatly at the ankles.

It was undeniably human. And yet some would deny just that.

Those around me have no problem calling it a baby and congratulating me – I’m excited about it, after all, and planning to keep it. If I miscarry, I have no doubt that those around me will grieve with my husband and I on the death of our child, and will affirm the tragic loss of life.

What if I didn’t want it, though? Or what if I did, but didn’t feel like I could bring it to term, for whatever reason?

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