Canada’s Conversion Therapy Ban – Consent by adults is now illegal

After two failed attempts, Canada has now banned conversion therapy. Advocates say it’s one of the most comprehensive (meaning it’s ‘extreme’) laws of its kind anywhere in the world. Adults cannot even consent to their own treatment or counselling!

“The intention behind the first two attempts were good, but they left a loophole for adults to undergo conversion therapy,” he said. “They can’t consent to something fraudulent” says Nicholas Schiavo, the executive director of No Conversion Canada.

So even consent by adults is now illegal. Of course it’s legal to proceed with gender reassignment.

The law makes it a crime to provide or promote services intended to change or repress a person’s sexual orientation or gender expression. Much like New Zealand, the law was rushed through and ignored any public criticism. Ted Falk, a Conservative member of Parliament from Manitoba, said he and other conservatives were “blindsided” by the fast-tracked bill that disregarded written viewpoints and concerns.

Let’s see what happens here in New Zealand in the coming months.

Further reading here:

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