McBLOG - Conservative countries push back at the UN

Conservative countries push back at the UN

Here’s two recent media reports (not in the mainstream media of course) which will encourage you and give you hope. Most non-western non-woke countries are concerned about housing, poverty, education – you know, the things that matter. Western countries in the UN including NZ and Australia are obsessed with your sexual orientation and gender identity, and the right to kill the unborn children. But conservative countries are pushing back.

In our last two episode we talked about a shocking report issued by international legal experts with the backing of the United Nations which say yes to abortion, young teenage sexual involvement, LGBT lifestyle, transgenderism at any age, drugs even for pregnant women and children, and prostitution.

You may have been thinking – we’re stuffed.

Well, not so fast.

Here’s two recent media reports (not in the mainstream media of course) which will encourage you and give you hope.

The first is from Daily Signal – and reported by Rachana Chhin who serves as legal counsel at the United Nations for ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) International and is based in New York City.

A major United Nations meeting has collapsed because of its promotion of radical sexuality education for children. The 56th session of the Commission on Population and Development concluded April 14 with no negotiated outcome between governments, resulting in the failure of yet another multimillion-dollar U.N. session as a result of vociferous opposition to extreme ideological agendas. It was spearheaded by the U.N. Population Fund, the primary driver of abortion promotion within the U.N. system,

Despite immense diplomatic pressure from the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and others to promote “comprehensive sexuality education”—as well as procedural tactics meant to wear out diplomats negotiating for weeks long into the night— governments, primarily representative of the developing world, held firm to uphold their national laws and norms on the dignity of human life, parental rights, and the family.  Fortunately, many delegates at the session expressed exasperation with the West’s myopic focus on radical agendas to the detriment of their urgent and universally agreed-upon development needs, particularly in the area of education policy.

Yep – so most non-western non-woke countries are concerned about housing, poverty, education – you know, the things that matter. Western countries including NZ and Australia are obsessed with your sexual orientation and gender identity. And the right to kill the unborn children. It’s shocking, isn’t it.

In fact, as I was preparing this I read another report from United Families International who are an international lobby group who keep an eye on the UN on behalf of families

After more than three weeks of negotiations, at 10:30 pm the night before, the final draft – a Chairman’s text of the “Agreed Conclusions” – had been delivered to all UN delegations. And, some delegations were very unhappy, to put it mildly. Two days earlier, twenty-two countries had “broken silence,” expressing their concerns about paragraphs contained in a prior text. Yet, the delegations had a new text in front of them with paragraphs they had specifically rejected, and, adding insult to injury, an egregious paragraph that had not been negotiated at all. That Friday morning, pro-family delegations attending the session were lined up to give a verbal lashing to the Chairman of the negotiations. Why the concern? Much anger and distrust centered around the newly added paragraph (OP 16) which referenced a concept known as Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).

Ah yes we’ve heard about that in NZ. Think Relationships and Sexuality Education in schools in NZ. Think Family Planning. Think Rainbow Youth. Think Mates and Dates.

Earlier in the week the United States and European Union sent separate emails to the Moldovan chair saying that they would not accept an outcome document that did not have a reference to sexuality education.

The report goes on:

These programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and has an almost obsessive focus on teaching children about techniques for “sexual pleasure.” But pro-family countries refused to accept ambiguous terminology on CSE as “agreed” language. These delegations spoke of how the negotiations had been derailed by a “fixation” on one part of education, sexuality education, when much of the world is struggling to provide basic education, internet, and technology (education being the theme of this year’s CPD). They pointed out it wasn’t the UN’s role to force a particular type of education (CSE) upon other nations when it stood in conflict with their countries’ religious values and morals, especially when many don’t even have basics like food, clean water, and sanitation.

Just to show you 2 examples – here’s the Canadian representative sharing about how wonderful his mum was for providing him condoms as a 15 year old for a school trip

And the Australian representative

And NZ delegates would be no different. I’m sure. Who needs basic education, internet, and technology when all you really need is condoms and gender identity.

In contrast, the Egyptian delegate expressed frustration that Western countries refused to include language about the “prior right” of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children drawn from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose 75th anniversary takes place this year.

However, A surprising finish

Shocking many, as the afternoon session began, the Chairman withdrew the text. There would be no outcome document! The Chair was wise enough to see that there was no future for the text as it stood – and there was no time to negotiate a new one. The Chair knew the pro-family delegations had had enough of the manipulation and efforts to ignore or silence them.

One delegate’s powerful statement encapsulated the problem:

“It is regretful that this process was derailed because of an inordinate focus on issues related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights and sexuality education. In this regard, we express our concern on the language of comprehensive education on human sexuality. Sexuality education is one of the most divisive topics in this and other UN fora. While understanding it is a priority for some delegations, we make the following points: 1) There is no right to sexuality education in international law; it is not numerated in any treaty. 2) It may not be read into a general right to education. 3) States have no obligation to adopt any particular program of education. This is in clear contrast to the rights of parents with regard to their children’s education which are, instead, enshrined in international law.”

And of course they’re referring to internationally-agreed parental rights language included in the Universal declaration of human rights (article 26.3), and the convention on the rights of the child (article 18.1), amongst others.

Here’s the key thing. As the Daily Signal report concludes:

Standing up to the West requires immense stamina on the part of developing countries. While victorious in their opposition—a remarkable win for the sake of children and their parents everywhere—the real loss is the abject, consistent failure of the U.N. to advance much-needed policy in the area of development and education. The priority theme this year was seemingly benign “population, education, and sustainable development.” Regrettably, however, the process has been systematically leveraged to promote neo-Malthusian population-control measures via abortion and the promotion of explicit sexuality education for minors.

Yep – that seems the extreme obsession of the UN.

The report concludes, saying:

As we are seeing increasingly here in the West, a purported commitment to “inclusion” actively suppresses those who hold traditional and religious values—the very values that have undergirded much of human civilization until this point.

So we need to continue to support organisations like Family Watch International, United Families International and C-Fam and other pro family groups who are working hard in the UN to support pro-family countries from around the world. Sadly, NZ is one of the extreme liberal ones pushing the radical agenda.

And just one other report to encourage you.

According to a Reuters report:

The European Commission referred Hungary to the Court of Justice of the EU over the anti-LGBT law in mid-2022. The commission has said it considers that the law violates the EU’s internal market rules, the fundamental rights of individuals and EU values. Hungarian President Viktor Orban said in a speech last month, defending the legislation: “Gender propaganda is not just … rainbow chatter, but the greatest threat stalking our children. We want our children to be left alone …. This kind of thing has no place in Hungary, and especially not in our schools.”

The law, adopted by the Hungarian Parliament in June 2021, “prohibits or restricts access to content that propagates or portrays so-called divergence from personal identity corresponding to sex at birth, sex change, or homosexuality for children under the age of 18.” Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission called the law “a disgrace”, because it violates European “values” and the fundamental rights of individuals, particularly LGBTIQ+ people. For this reason, the EU have referred it to the EU Court of Justice.

Here’s the interesting bit. The governments had until April 7 to join the lawsuit, and fifteen have decided to join the Commission. Among the prosecution benches, however, will not sit the Italian government, which has also recently been officially condemned by the European Parliament for “attacks against the LGBTIQ+ community.”

The media have widely reported the news that fifteen EU countries have appealed

Italy is not there, neither are Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

But the media won’t tell you that – because it goes against the liberal woke narrative eh.

Just like in the UN, there is a push in the EU as well for radical sexuality and gender identity indoctrination. They’re obsessed with it. It seems to be all they think and talk about. A bit like the NZ mainstream media!!!

Thankfully, many countries are pushing back. As I said, Sadly but probably not surprisingly given who has represented NZ in the UN in recent times (e.g. Helen Clark), NZ is one of the countries pushing the radical agenda.

I regularly tell the international family groups at the UN that they do not speak on behalf of the majority of kiwi families.

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