Declining Interest for Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

yawningMedia Release 4 Nov 2015
Two years on from the definition of marriage being politically manipulated, statistics released today show that the demand for same-sex marriages by New Zealand residents has decreased by over 10% between the first full 12-month period and the second 12-month period (504 to 450) since the law was changed, while traditional marriage of NZ residents has slightly increased in the same time period (19,659 up from 19,266).

The overall same-sex marriage numbers have had to be boosted by overseas couples which represent almost half of the total same-sex marriages (45%), while overseas opposite-sex couples represent only 11% of traditional marriages.

There have been 38,925 traditional marriages of NZ residents during the past two year period. Same-sex marriages during that time (954) represented less than 2.4% of total marriages – despite the claims of a huge demand for same-sex marriage.

“The demand for same-sex marriage has been underwhelming. The politicians simply inserted a lie into the law. Marriage ‘equality’ was never about equality because not everyone is able to marry. However, there are now pushes for extending the definition of marriage to allow for polygamy and group marriage. Redefining marriage was about deconstructing and weakening the meaning and purpose of marriage from its role as a specific culturally and historically bound institution,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

“Supporters of redefining marriage have had to rely on ‘marriage tourism’ to justify the change,” says Mr McCoskrie.

“The real outcomes of this law change are yet to come to fruition – namely, attempts to further implement ‘marriage equality’ to allow polygamy and group marriage, and the right to freedom of conscience and belief for celebrants, venues, and service providers being threatened, as is happening at an increasing rate in overseas jurisdictions.”

“It is perfectly possible to support traditional marriage, while also recognising and respecting the rights of others. In 2004, the government introduced Civil Unions and changed over 150 pieces of legislation to provide legal recognition and protection for other forms of relationships. The State should not presume to re-engineer a natural human institution.”

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