McBlog - 7 Sharp

Drag-ing down Seven Sharp

State broadcaster TVNZ’s Seven Sharp programme aren’t happy that drag queens aren’t allowed to read LGBT++ books to children, so they did some campaigning. It wasn’t what they showed that was the problem. It’s what they conveniently didn’t show – but we will. You’ll also see an online exchange on X (Twitter) that we had with one of the hosts.


State broadcaster TVNZ’s Seven Sharp aren’t happy that drag queens aren’t allowed to read LGBT books to children so they did some campaigning. It wasn’t what they showed that was the problem. It’s what they conveniently didn’t show – but we will.

Last Thursday, the segment on Seven Sharp was entitled “Hilary Barry Uncovers: How Online Hate Ruined Rainbow Story Time”

Local councils in Rotorua, Hastings and Upper Hutt have been forced to cancel Rainbow story time events for children because of a nasty backlash online. One of the performers Willy Smack ‘n Tush spoke to Hilary Barry about the experience.

Now remember – there is nothing sexual about the name Willy Smack ‘n Tush. Nope nothing at all. Willy Smack ‘n Tush

So let’s watch some excerpts from the show – and then I’ll show you what Seven Sharp conveniently didn’t show you – but we did offer to them – but they still didn’t show.

Christian fundamentalists. AKA – people that Hillary Barry doesn’t agree with so doesn’t like. In fact, I bet Hillary can’t even define what she means by Christian fundamentalists. It’s likely people who believe in natural marriage one man one woman, that you’re born male or female and you can’t choose your sex, and that men can’t get pregnant.

And in fact, if you look at some of the online commentary, there’s a huge amount from people who are just parents. educators or who don’t agree with drag queens being role modelled before children. But let’s not let the facts get in the way of the narrative. But this is what the theme of the story is. Not the reason for the opposition, but an attack on Christians.

It’s so amusing that Jeremy the presenter can say “Willy Smack ‘n Tush” with a straight face. That’s irrelevant – it’s the haters hating

And then it’s the infomercial. Puff piece. Not balanced reporting with searching questions and contrary views presented. Nope – this was a paid advertisement for drag queens. Our state broadcaster loves them.

Scones and baking. Thorough current event journalism on TVNZ with beautiful soothing music. Lovely. Just like Christmas.

I’m an activist. Yep. Just one thing missing. Where’s the father? Minor point.

This is kinda funny because she destroys the trans narrative. Flamboyant man. He / him for a drag king. That is so binary. Surely there was something more creative. Masculinity instead of femininity – oh so people associate femininity with women and masculinity with men. Thanks for confirming that.

Oooh – Family First – the group that should not be named and definitely shouldn’t be interviewed lest they indoctrinate the viewers with common sense and biology.

Interestingly they rushed through the posts that we put up. So what did the “haters gonna hate” actually say…


Happening at Upper Hutt libraries next week.

“Drag King Willy Smackntush”

Yep – Definitely no sexual innuendo.

Nothing sexual at all.

They just want to show off their excellent reading skills and be with young children.

PS: Interested in buying a bridge?

513 comments 88 shares – all comments saying “what the…”

But remember – NZ is full of “fundamentalist Christians” – according to Hilary

Even Sean Plunket from the Platform questioned the whole arrangement. I didn’t realise he was a fundamentalist christian. Glory be.

And then we updated our post with this drag queen role model – because remember that when you put someone in front of children, they and their siblings want to know more. They may want to watch more – so they go to the entertainer’s social media.

And THIS is what they would find. And apologies for the language in the audio. Hopefully no children are watching this.

Charming. So we said


To parents of tots in that area – is this really the role model you want for your child? Please protect your child.
To Upper Hutt Libraries – will you also be getting a porn star, a prostitute and a pole dancer to demonstrate their reading skills as well? Please use your brain.

And we included some additional video – which I’ll come back to shortly

And let me reiterate that sadly there are some toxic people on social media that we have no control over. They abuse us. They abuse others. They abuse everyone. But we could find those types of comments for every cause that Hillary champions also. I might just do that shortly. But any threats are totally unacceptable and certainly not endorsed or encouraged. If we see them, we would delete them and block the user from our page.


There’s an interesting thing that they inadvertently show – check out the books at the end of this piece.

Did you see the book Granddad’s Pride. Yes this book

A parent in the UK told the BBC that he pulled his daughter out of the school over the book, which he said depicted a man wearing “leather fetish gear”. The pre-school’s chair of trustees agreed the book was not age appropriate and ordered its removal.

But leather fetish gear is all good to our state broadcaster – especially for pre schoolers. Intro to fetish for under 5s.

What’s interesting as you’ll see is that Hilary didn’t get Willy Smackntush to read out of this book or show that picture. How convenient.

So it’s off to someone who can add to the narrative.

Speaking of “mass harassment” or “brigading”, here’s one – from Hilary

Brian is very cross.

Please pray for Brian.

And also Brian if you read this I’m always available for an interview.

Lots of love, god bless and sleep tight,

Hilary xx

If you want to see “mass harassment” or “brigading”, check out the comments on Hilary’s post. The so-called ‘expert’ has just described Hilary’s social media to a tee.

If you look at Hilary Barry’s FB post and also her Twitter or X post, everyone is ‘brigading’ against anyone who questions drag queens being role models for little children. Classic. Hilary is leading the pile-on, at the same time as calling it out. You can’t make this stuff up.

Back to the expert – and remember – he’s referring to a group of people like you who want to protect children from sexualisation, inappropriate role models, and gender ideology.

Sounds like the Disinformation project eh. It’s only disinformation IF the Disinformation Project or NetSafe or the left disagrees with it.

And then the final sop – of course they’re not reading the book with leather fetish – nope, but there’s even Christmas music in the background. And by the way, this is not about LGBT’s right to exist. This is about what children are being exposed to in an age-inappropriate way.

I almost started singing Christmas carols.

What amazed me is just how overt they were that drag story time isn’t about reading to kids. It’s clearly about pushing LGBT sexuality and gender. I’m not sure they were planning to be so open about this

Now just before we show you the last clip from Seven Sharp, let’s look at what else children would find when they look up SmacknTush on social media. Please note – you will be offended by what you’re about to see.


What a wonderful role model for children.

When this was posted to social media, judging by the comments, it certainly wasn’t fundamentalist Christians who were objecting. It was normal thinking NZers, parents, grandparents. As you would expect. I could tell by some of the colourful language.

But some libraries around NZ seem to have become activist hubs. Sadly.

Hilary and Seven Sharp didn’t play this video – even though they clearly looked at and showed this video post from Facebook on their show when referring to our posts. Ironic eh.

They contacted us for comment at 1.20pm on the day of the show. Yeah 1.20pm before a 7pm show which was pre-recorded. I got an email asking for comment. Just 5 hours before broadcast.

In the good old days of real broadcasting they would have interviewed us. Paul Holmes would have. Mark Sainsbury would have. But these are not the good old days

Seven Sharp is running a story tonight on the cancellation of the Upper Hutt library drag story time session recently. We have seen posts from Family First asking their community to protest the session. Please can we ask you to provide a statement?

I replied (and I put links to a couple of McBlogs explaining the background of Drag Queens and an earlier interview on TVNZ Breakfast which was also a puff piece. And said:

Hi there. Thanks for the contact. Have a watch of this. It explains our position and concerns. Please note – We inform parents as to what’s behind this (why don’t drag queens seem as keen to read books at retirement homes?) and encourage parents to communicate their concerns to the libraries hosting such events. However, it is up to parents. We just want to provide information to them so they know the background and agenda. If they still want to take their children, that’s their choice. We just discourage it. 

So what did they say

Reasonably accurate. But no interview. Ohnooo – more riskier allowing us to express concerns of parents than putting Biden in a press conference.

So another example of why trust in the mainstream media is going through the floor, and interestingly,

I saw this in the media the following day.

Any connection?

Now – while I was preparing this, I had previously tried to contact Hilary Barry.

Remember she initiated mass harassment or brigading (according to NetSafe) of Brian Tamaki – and whether you agree with Brian or not, Hilary does exactly what she’s calling opponents of drag queens in libraries reading to kids. Piling in on them via her significant social media following.

So I replied

Are you going to show this video also in your story? When you do, then I’ll give you an interview.

She responded

Did you film this at the library Bob?

To which I said

I didn’t film it. It’s what she posts on her public profile. This is the role model you want in front of kids? Who’s next. Porn stars? Prostitutes? Pole dancers? Kids aren’t dumb. They can google. What she does in adult settings is up to her and the audience. But children deserve better – and protection. That’s our point. It’s our role to inform parents as to what they are exposing their children to. Once parents realised what was in the RSE curriculum, they have quickly rejected it. Power to the parents. 🙏🏻👍

Oh right so you didn’t film this at the library. This was filmed in an adult setting to an adult audience. It’s almost as if the performer is able to make those performances, I don’t know, age and audience appropriate.

That’s true. Any performer can adapt their performance. That’s why they’re called actors. But they also have an online persona which children will quickly track down.

Oh right. So you want porn stars, prostitutes and pole dancers role modelling in your child’s classroom. We have a different understanding of “role models”. By the way, it was interesting that one of the books you highlighted for children in the story features men in leather fetish gear. 😳

Yep – Grandad’s Pride book. Which wasn’t the one read on air of course.

To which Hilary responded

Feel free to send me some research on the harm or sexual assaults on children at rainbow story times. It’s always good to deal in facts. Actual facts.

I responded

Yep I will – when TVNZ does away with age guidance ratings for programmes, and when the Chief Censor stops putting those darn ratings on movies to protect children. Sexualising children and confusing them with gender ideology is never a winner. The public already told us that. Nice chatting 👍Have a great weekend 🙏🏻

And I included an image of our polling showing widespread rejection of RSE, and gender ideology in schools.

We have always understood age appropriate – and the need to protect children from adult things.

But in the new world of radical sexuality and gender ideology, those safeguards are being pulled down.

Drag queens in libraries are a classic example.

I don’t expect to get an invite on Seven Sharp. They won’t take up my challenge to ask the audience whether adult performers, porn stars, prostitutes and pole dancers should be paraded in front of children, and to play for full persona of Willy SmacknTosh.

Fortunately most kiwi families now know exactly what’s going on. And that’s why these readings in libraries have very small groups attending. And that’s a great thing.

Credit to parents who want to protect their children.

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