Family First New Zealand wins appeal and can qualify for registration as charity

Stuff 27 August 2020
Family First New Zealand has won its appeal and can qualify as a charity.

The Charities Registration Board stripped the organisation of its charitable status in 2017, saying Family First New Zealand did not exist solely for charitable purposes – it was the second time the group had been stripped of its charitable status.

The organisation has been considered controversial as its objectives include opposing abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage.

But in a recently-released judgment from the Court of Appeal, the previous decision to strip the organisation of its charitable status was set aside.

To become a charity, an organisation must be established and maintained exclusively for charitable purposes.

In a statement, Family First NZ national director Bob McCoskrie said it “appealed this decision because of the threat it placed on us and other charities and our collective freedom to speak on behalf of our supporters in civil society”.

This decision was “a win for the freedom of speech and belief in New Zealand”, he said.

Family First New Zealand qualifies to register as charity, court rules
Radio NZ News 27 August 2020
Lobby group Family First New Zealand has won a battle over its charity status.

In a decision released this morning, the Court of Appeal has set aside a Charities Registration Board decision in 2017 to deregister Family First as a charity.

Family First national director Bob McCoskrie said appealing that High Court decision was important.

“Family First appealed this decision because of the threat it placed on us and other charities and our collective freedom to speak on behalf of our supporters in a civil society,” he said.

“An overly restrictive or narrow view of what is in the public benefit is likely to be of concern to all charities, many of which have a certain emphasis or point of view.”


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