FAMILY MATTERS: Adoption Laws – Adults’ Rights or Children’s Rights?
The government has said that it intends to overhaul the Adoption Act.
But is adoption about the rights of the child, or the rights of adults to adopt?
In 2016, Family First’s Bob McCoskrie debated the then-Labour Justice spokesperson Jacinda Ardern on proposals to change the adoption laws.
It’s important to understand – the purpose of adoption is not to provide a child for a family – but rather provide a family to a child. It’s an important distinction. Adults’ rights should not be the focus.
Biology discriminates. It takes a man and a woman to create a child. A child has a right to a mother and a father. We should not set out in public policy to deliberately deny a child that basic right.
As the government looks at adjusting our adoption laws, let’s speak up and champion not the rights of adults, but the rights of children as being paramount.
WATCH our latest episode of Family Matters to learn more about this important issue….