FAMILY MATTERS: Why Mothers Matter
As we prepare to celebrate Mothers Day, the role and definition of “mother” is under attack in our culture.
During the atrocious ramming through of the radical abortion law last year here in New Zealand, some submitters and MPs wanted the legislation to say “pregnant person” instead of “pregnant woman”.
Researchers from the Australian National University recently published a handbook that recommends staff adopt ‘gender-inclusive’ parenting language.
* “Breastfeeding” becomes “chestfeeding”
* “Mother’s milk” becomes “human milk”
* “Mother” becomes “gestational parent” or “birthing parent”.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading US health bureaucracy, uses the term “pregnant persons” instead of pregnant women. Articles in leading medical journals such as the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology have advocated for the erasure of women in language on pregnancy care.
It’s demeaning for women. And it devalues mothers and motherhood.
Our latest episode of FAMILY MATTERS will remind you to make Mothers Day about mums. Grandmothers. Current mothers. Expecting mothers. Mothers in the future.
Why? Because mothers matter.
Biology discriminates – and so should we – if we want to present the truth. Biology dictates that it takes a mum and a dad to create a child. Let’s celebrate and acknowledge that fact.
Happy Mother’s Day. We simply couldn’t exist without you.