Govt programme slammed as ‘band-aid response’

banned child 6x4Radio NZ 5 July 2016
The government is scrapping an established programme for at-risk families for a new one which critics say is not as good.
More than a quarter of the 114 Strengthening Families contracts in 10 areas are being cancelled and $1.3 million reallocated to the newly established Children’s Teams.
The Ministry of Social Development says it’s about avoiding duplication, but opponents say there’s no evidence to show the new system will work.
Strengthening Families was set up in 1997 to better coordinate services between health, education, social services and iwi.
Targeted towards at-risk families it sought to improve the lives of vulnerable children.
Fast forward 20 years and a supporter of Strengthening Families in Whanganui said it was doing just that.
READ MORE:‘band-aid-response’


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