Hawaii considering bill to force church, pro-life centers to promote abortion

diamond headThe Washington Times 13 March 2017
Family First Comment: “For the Rev. Derald Skinner, pastor at Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor, that would mean putting a sign advertising abortion in his church.”
Like forcing a Muslim butcher to provide non-halal meat. But of course, that would never happen, would it.
Hawaii is considering legislation that would require all pregnancy centers to refer patients to clinics that provide abortions, — a move pro-life centers say will violate their religious beliefs and their free speech rights.
In a 22-3 vote, the state’s Democrat-controlled Senate approved SB 501, which would direct “all limited service pregnancy centers to disclose the availability of and enrollment information for reproductive health services.”
For the Rev. Derald Skinner, pastor at Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor, that would mean putting a sign advertising abortion in his church.
“They want to mandate all pro-life centers to put an abortion referral sign in our reception areas,” Mr. Skinner said in a video published to the church’s Vimeo account. “Now our particular pro-life center is in our church. So it’s very important to realize that they are dictating to us what we can and cannot say. Will they give me my sermon next and tell me what I can preach?”
A companion bill is expected to pass in the House, which is also controlled by Democrats.
California and Illinois have similar laws on the books.
In October, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit upheld the constitutionality of the California law.
Thomas Glessner, an attorney who heads the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, said he is working with the Alliance Defending Freedom to bring the case before the Supreme Court. He said the legislation is an “egregious violation of religious freedom.”
“The Hawaii effort to suppress free speech is especially concerning because one of the state’s pro-life centers is housed in a church — which means the church itself would be forced to refer for abortions,” Mr. Glessner said in a statement.
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii submitted testimony in favor of the House bill. The abortion company said pro-life pregnancy centers offer “biased, misleading, and false” health care information.
READ MORE: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/mar/13/hawaii-mulls-bill-force-church-promote-abortion/

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