Louisa Wall tables bill on euthanasia that isn’t a bill
Labour MP Louisa Wall tables euthanasia Bill
NewsTalk ZB 18 November 2016
Family First Comment: Louisa Wall tables a flawed bill that isn’t being submitted as a bill.
Go figure. #grandstanding
(By the way, it has the same fundamental flaws as all the others.)
In an unexpected move, Labour MP Louisa Wall has tabled a draft Bill on Euthanasia, with a Parliamentary committee currently investigating the issue.
Ms Wall, with the support of law Professor Mark Henaghan, has undertaken the move at Parliament today.
Her Bill applies to terminally ill people only and would require all euthanasia applications to be handled by an ethics committee.
“You will have to front the ethic’s committee, [which] provides an opportunity for the ethic’s committee itself to determine whether somebody is going informed consent, and then it will be through that process that conditions are determined.”
But she’s making it clear she has no intention of putting it up as a Member’s Bill, rather she’s letting it sit with the Euthanasia Inquiry.
“My caucus colleges knew that I’d make a submission, knew that as part of my submission I said I would be tabling a Bill. We’ve done this in good will because we believe that this does provide a really clear mechanism for us to be able to assist people who want the authority to die.”
READ MORE: http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/politics/labour-mp-louisa-wall-tables-euthanasia-bill/