More than 150 students walk out of classes to protest boy using girls’ locker room

gender Lila PerryLifeSiteNews 3 September 2015
At least 150 students, many backed by their parents, walked out of school earlier this week to protest a boy’s use of a female locker room.

And while Lila Perry, who believes himself to be female, says his detractors are acting out of “pure and simple bigotry,” others say the situation isn’t as simple.

Student Sophie Beel told a Fox affiliate, “I find it offensive because Lila has not went through any procedure to become female; putting on a dress and putting on a wig is not transgender to me.”

Likewise, 47-year-old Jeff Childs held a sign saying “Girls Right Matter,” and told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that “this needs to stop before it goes too far.” Childs, who has a niece and nephew at schools in the district, said he is “not trying to be ignorant, but [Perry] is bringing it out in public for everybody else to deal with.”

The situation has escalated in recent months. The 17-year-old Perry has had no operations or other treatment for his alleged dysphoria, but has identified as female since the age of 13. He wears a wig and dresses.

Perry was offered a private, gender-neutral restroom, but he turned it down. “I wasn’t hurting anyone and I didn’t want to feel segregated out. I didn’t want to be in the gender neutral bathroom. I am girl, I shouldn’t be pushed off to another bathroom,” he said.

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