Number of requests to change sex on birth certificates revealed

NewsHub 29 March 2019
Family First Comment:  “32 requests were received in 2018 from people who wished to have their sex changed on their New Zealand birth certificate.”
But biology should trump ideology – always.

A minister’s decision to halt a proposed law for changing sex on birth certificates was met with controversy last month however Newshub can reveal that only a small number of people actually applied for it last year.

The Department of Internal Affairs confirmed to Newshub under the Official Information Act that just over 30 people in New Zealand requested to have their sex changed on their birth certificate in 2018.

“The Department [of Internal Affairs] can confirm that 32 requests were received in 2018 from people who wished to have their sex changed on their New Zealand birth certificate.”

Proposed changes to the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill would have allowed people to change the sex on their birth certificate based on how they identify themselves – removing the need for medical evidence.

But the changes were put on hold last month by Internal Affairs Minister Tracey Martin who said more input was needed from the public before the Government could move on the Bill, which had self-identification clauses added at Select Committee.

Newshub approached Martin for comment, but a spokesperson referred back to the minister’s press release and Crown Law Opinion, which stated a “number of legal issues may benefit from further policy consideration before the Bill proceeds”.


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