Politically Diverse Panelists Unite for Women’s Rights, Discuss Dangers of Transgender Activism
The Stream 16 February 2017
Family First Comment: Some superb discussion from women both liberal and conservative, but united against the ‘gender agenda’
Key quotes:
“Our sex is who we are. It can’t be amputated from our body like a limb” – Miriam Ben Shalom, the first person to be reinstated into the U.S. Military after she was discharged for being an open lesbian. But now, she says, she’s being silenced and “put under the bus” for speaking out against transgender activism.
“Biology isn’t bigotry. Biology is the truth.” – Emily Zino
“Sixty percent of abuse survivors never speak up. When they do speak up about the dangers of transgender policies, they’re often called bigots. That’s not okay.” – Triller Haver, a rape survivor and advocate for women’s privacy rights
“Standing up for biological sex as opposed to gender identity is a matter of reason. As Voltaire warned, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” – Mary Lou Singleton, longtime leftist and women’s liberation activist
“The real issue here is male violence. If “transwomen” – biological males identifying as females – were really women, they would sit down and talk civilly with women concerned about their demands. Instead, they force women to give up their private, safe spaces, all while men-only spaces are still left uncontested.” – Miriam Ben Shalom
Five women formed an unlikely alliance against transgender activism at the Heritage Foundation Thursday.
The panel, called “Biology Isn’t Bigotry,” zeroed in on why policies that equate gender identity with biological sex are bad for women, children and the nation — and why many women of diverse backgrounds and beliefs feel endangered or marginalized because of them.
Live streamed from Heritage’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., the event featured “voices that the mainstream media has ignored,” said moderator and Heritage Senior Research Fellow Ryan Anderson.
Overlooking Differences
Panelists included Miriam Ben Shalom, Kaeley Triller Haver, Kami Mueller and Mary Lou Singleton, with comments from Emily Zino.
As noted on the event’s webpage, Shalom was the first person to be reinstated into the U.S. Military after she was discharged for being an open lesbian. But now, she says, she’s being silenced and “put under the bus” for speaking out against transgender activism.
Triller Haver, a rape survivor and advocate for women’s privacy rights, was working as a communications director for the YMCA when it announced a new policy to let biological men into women’s locker rooms. When she tried to explain to her boss why the policy was a bad idea, he told her she was probably being close-minded. Later, she was fired.
Kami Mueller is the Communications Director for the Republican Party in North Carolina. That placed her on the front lines during the HB2 battle that came after the city of Charlotte passed an open-bathroom policy.
Mary Lou Singleton described herself as a longtime leftist and women’s liberation activist. “My entire life work is fighting for the class of people who are oppressed on the basis of their sex,” she said. These include women and girls around the world who are aborted, mutilated and exploited every day. Now, transgender activists tell her that it’s “transphobic” to call those people “women and girls.”
Emily Zino is a stay-at-home Catholic mom of seven who fights to protect women and children’s privacy.
READ MORE: https://stream.org/diverse-panelists-unify-womens-rights-discussion-dangerous-transgender-activism/?utm_source=c-internal&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_content=Transgender-2-17-2017