Pupils not secluded, but put in a calming space, principals say

time-outTimaru Herald 1 December 2016
Family First Comment: So here’s the real facts – not the political or media spin…..
“Highfield School principal Shayne Gallagher said the school had a “quiet space within a teaching space”, or a time out room, it used when pupils lost control. It would be “far more traumatic for police to see and take away [a student] than to sit in a quiet room”, Gallagher said. “We weren’t secluding them – we were putting them in a space to calm down.” The time out was the last resort for schools and pupils were debriefed and reintegrated back into class when they were calmer, he said.”
South Canterbury principals say the proposal to ban seclusion in school may force them to call the police in extreme cases.
Education Minister Hekia Parata proposed the practice of seclusion and seclusion rooms should be banned from schools.
The Ministry of Education reported three South Canterbury schools – Waimate Main School, Highfield School and Timaru South School – have used seclusion in 2016, but have since ceased the practice.
Highfield School principal Shayne Gallagher said the school had a “quiet space within a teaching space”, or a time out room, it used when pupils lost control.
It would be “far more traumatic for police to see and take away [a student] than to sit in a quiet room”, Gallagher said.
“We weren’t secluding them – we were putting them in a space to calm down.”
READ MORE: http://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/87075228/pupils-not-secluded-but-put-in-a-calming-space-principals-say

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