Quarter of Kiwi girls asked for nudes in last year

NewsHub 6 December 2017
Family First Comment: Yet another reason that we need an expert panel to tackle the health issues around pornography www.PornInquiry.nz
One in four Kiwi teenage girls have been asked to share nude photos of themselves in the past year, a new report has found.
The survey of “sexting” habits among Kiwi teens aged 14-17 also found one in seven boys were asked to send a nude or nearly nude picture.
However, just four percent of the teens actually sent the pictures, according to the findings by online safety group Netsafe.
“What we’ve found in the research is that although teens are being asked for nude images, only a minority are actually sending them,” the group’s chief executive Martin Cocker said on Wednesday.
“Sending nude images in itself is often not the problem, it’s what can happen once those images leave your control.”
He urged parents to talk to their children because it was important they understood the potential risks before making a decision to engage in this kind of behaviour.
This was especially important given about half of the kids surveyed believed the sharing of nude images happened “often” or “very often”.
READ MORE: http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2017/12/quarter-of-kiwi-girls-asked-for-nudes-in-last-year.html


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