Slippery slope to kids, mentally ill getting euthanised – doctor

NewsHub 1 April 2019
Family First Comment: Disturbing
“The largest children’s hospital in Canada – the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children – has already published their guidelines on how euthanasia will occur for mature minors. It includes if the child says they don’t want the parent to know, the parent will be informed the child has died after they’ve received euthanasia.”

A visiting Canadian doctor claims if New Zealand introduces euthanasia, it could result in children choosing to end their own lives without their parents’ input.

Canadian palliative care physician Leonie Herx is in New Zealand to take part in a debate hosted by North Shore MP Maggie Barry on ACT MP David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill, which would legalise euthanasia under strict circumstances.

Euthanasia has been legal in Canada since 2016, where it’s known as medical aid in dying, or MAID. Since then about 8000 have chosen to end their lives this way, Dr Herx says, making up around 1.5 percent of all deaths.

She told The AM Show on Monday it took Belgium 16 years to reach that level, after legalising the practise in 2002.

“How did we get to this place in two years, so rapidly?”

Like Seymour’s Bill, Canada has strict rules around who is eligible for euthanasia, including age, mental state, how much notice must be given, number of witnesses required, approval from medical professionals and their prognosis. There’s a 10-day waiting period, applicants must be informed of other palliative options and consent can be withdrawn at any time – even as the fatal drugs are being readied for injection.

Dr Herx however says there are already moves to widen eligibility.

Majority of submissions on euthanasia bill are against legalising
NewsTalk ZB 1 April 2019 
A series of public debates start tonight to discuss moves to legalise euthanasia, as new figures show a huge majority of people are against the idea.

The justice select committee will report back to parliament on end of life legislation next week and the law’s second reading’s likely to go ahead next month.

Figures released yesterday showed more than 90 per cent of Kiwis who made submissions on the euthanasia bill want the proposed law change scrapped.

Canadian palliative care expert doctor, Leonie Herx, told Mike Hosking assisted dying has been “rife with problems”.

She said the eligibility criteria has changed expanded since the law was introduced.

“Our statistics have been consistent with international statistics [and show] that it’s actually not people who have poorly controlled physical symptoms, it’s people who have a fear of loss of control.”

“They are worried about dying and being a burden on others.”

Herx said it is now a human right in Canada and the Government is looking at bringing in euthanasia for mental health and for mature minors.



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