Smacking high on parents’ discipline hit list (Aust)

australian flagThe Courier Mail 12 February 2017
Family First Comment: Contrary to what these so-called ‘experts’ say, parents use smacking sparingly because … it works! And it always has. These experts will never succeed with their ideology because we have all experienced smacking ourselves and in most cases, it was warranted and it worked. EVERY parenting technique has some negatives and can be abused. These ‘experts’ should be focusing on the TYPE of parent, rather than this ideological focus on ‘positive’ parenting, which nobody can define.

A MAJORITY of Queensland parents are resorting to smacking to discipline their children, according to a new parenting survey to be released today.

While only 5 per cent of mums and dads say they hit their kids often, 54 per cent admit they sometimes smack their children to control their behaviour.
The findings are contained in the Triple P Queensland parenting survey, which provides a broad snapshot of the issues faced by parents across the state.
The Triple P survey found 94 per cent of parents confiscate toys or a device when they are disciplining a child, while 85 per cent admit they yell at their children.
Triple P founder Matt Sanders said when parents participated in parenting programs they learnt there were much more effective disciplinary alternatives to smacking.
“If parents get angry and frustrated and find themselves lashing out and hitting kids, generally that backfires,” Professor Sanders said. “Positive parenting solutions try to calm down a situation,” he said.
“You don’t want to be adding fuel to the fire when kids are already upset and not getting their way.”


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