mcblog parent guide

The battle for your child’s innocence

As children prepare to return to the classroom, Family First has just released some essential reading for parents & caregivers.

In fact, it could be one of the most important publications you read at the start of this term.

If you are a parent and your children are still school age or are about to start attending school, you need to read our latest publication. The PARENT GUIDE is entitled “THE BATTLE FOR YOUR CHILD’S INNOCENCE: How to protect your children from the state’s radical sexuality and gender ideologies in schools”.

Now as you know We’ve already highlighted just how radical the curriculum is which the Government wants to target at your children – even in primary schools.

Have you had enough yet?

So what are YOUR rights – and how do you protect your children from this radical indoctrination.

In this new PARENT GUIDE, you’ll find out the following:
* recent developments around the curriculum
* what do parents think about this material, and what concerns have they already raised (and I’ve just shared some of those with you)
* what are the legal rights of parents / caregivers
* what is the relevant law that parents should understand – and quote when corresponding with their child’s school
* you’ll also see what schools are being told (and being pressured to do) by the Ministry of Education which we believe should concern you

But even outside the sexuality education classes, we also highlight other school resources / events to be aware of including the so-called Pink Shirt Day which is SUPPOSED to be about school bullying, but it’s not just that, and also the new “Going with the flow” outdoor education resource, and others

Most importantly it gives you your action points as a parent, including key leaders to meet and events to attend, information about board of trustee meetings and how you can get information you require, and also request agenda items to be discussed – remember that these boards are parents – just like you – and will likely share many of your concerns. Hopefully.

There’s also sample letters to enable you to request having your children protected from any classes you disagree with, and questions to ask in order to obtain the relevant information.

Now if you have your children in a faith based school, an integrated school, these schools are also being put under pressure by both the Ministry of Education but also by activists within the media – just think Bethlehem College eh. And we’ve highlighted some of the terribly biased attacks on that school. And it won’t be the last time we see that.

So there’s some important commentary on faith-based schools and their legal rights and obligations in terms of religious content, values, and even the rights of these schools as to staff they can employ. And these values will likely match the expectations of parents who enrol their children at these schools – that’s why you chose that school in the first place – even when the education may have cost more. It’s worth it! So we encourage you and show you how to support the special character of the school – especially when it comes under attack by activists in the community and in the media.

The reason we published this Parent Guide?

It’s time to push back. It’s time to say ENOUGH! It’s because YOUR VOICE AND COURAGE IS CONTAGIOUS. Respectfully speaking out will not only protect your own children, but will have an inevitable and powerful influence on other parents who also want to protect their own children.

And please remember – though you may choose to entrust your child to a school, parents are ultimately responsible for overseeing their child’s education. Parents who proactively and positively engage with school staff and the leadership / board are best positioned to influence and make a positive difference for the whole school community,

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