Top McBlog episodes from 2021
One of our new products launched in 2021 were short 5-8 minute video commentaries on current issues by Bob McCoskrie.
It’s only been going for a month (launched in mid-November) but already it’s getting lots of attention. Here’s some of the top viewed episodes.
We asked kiwis what kind of jobs they were losing under the “no jab no job” policy. You may be shocked by just how far this mandate is extending – despite political assurances that this would not happen.
During December, three petitions were presented over a 48 hour period One with 1200 signatures, one with 23,000, and one with a whopping 87,000! One of them didn’t get a single mention by the mainstream media. Which one – and why did they ignore it?
Most of the mainstream media were in full attack mode on the new leader of the National Party – because of his Christian faith and his views on abortion, euthanasia and cannabis. When was an atheist last challenged about their values?
The Ministry of Health quietly released an important and welcome document regarding the rights of unvaccinated people to be able to access healthcare. It also encouraged testing, and made some interesting statements about transmission rates for both unvaccinated and vaccinated people. The document was then withdrawn and replaced – with some interesting changes. And it’s not the first time that the Ministry of Health has had to make significant changes. Our simple question – is the health advice being driven by science or by the political agenda?
Some media in the media are raising the red flag about the Government controlling the narrative – via the media! We should all be concerned by that.
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