UK Teacher fired for petition against transgender issues

Daily Mail 21 April 2019
Family First Comment: “A single anonymous complaint that accused her of offending gay and transgender pupils led to her immediate suspension and eventually ended her career.”
A similar petition in New Zealand is also attracting the same ‘hate’.

Teaching assistant Kristie Higgs’s devotion to her Christian faith was matched only by her dedication to her job.

She is no evangelist, but believed one complemented the other – her role, after all, was to provide emotional support and care for the most needy and troubled students in a 1,000-pupil secondary school.

It was a job the mother-of-two cherished and carried out for seven unblemished years – until she was sacked recently for an ‘offence’ that, in these politically correct times, is becoming all too familiar.

Kristie’s ‘crime’ was to share on her personal Facebook site what she thought was an innocent expression of her Christian point of view – an online protest against transgender teaching at her son’s primary school.

A single anonymous complaint that accused her of offending gay and transgender pupils led to her immediate suspension and eventually ended her career.


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