Violence, long hours, and stress: The state of New Zealand’s teaching workforce

Stuff 3 August 2020
Family First Comment: No surprises and it will get worse as we undermine parents and criminalise them for simply wanting to raise respectful obedient children

Teachers are experiencing significant levels of stress, burnout and in-classroom violence, a new report for NZEI Te Rui Roa has shown.

Thirty per cent of teachers reported seeing violence in the classroom, and were experiencing negative health impacts compared to the rest of the population.

NZEI president Liam Rutherford described the results of the health and wellbeing survey, published Monday, as alarming.

It is the first year teachers have been involved in the study, which has been surveying school leaders for four years.

Rutherford said the results backed up what the sector has been saying for years.

“New Zealanders would have heard us talking consistently about teacher and principal workload during our collective negotiations last year, and the data in this survey starkly illustrates our concerns.”

“From all of the conversations I’ve had with members, the stress of workload and associated health impacts are big issues for our schools. They’re crucial to solve for the sake of tamariki and their learning.”

The second year of teaching was found to be the most stressful.

Teachers came off worse than school leaders when it came to health and wellbeing measures.

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