When is a life a life? That’s what abortion comes down to

Stuff co.nz 30 May 2018
Family First Comment: Well presented argument..
“It’s strange, but when a woman wants to have a baby, the moment she finds out she is pregnant she often sees that embryo inside her as a life, sometimes as part of the family, and may even have names lined up. And if she miscarries, she mourns as one having lost her baby. Yet if she doesn’t want it, she may see it as a clump of cells.”

I used to believe abortion was a woman’s right, and that it must be legally available to anyone who wants one. But after 25 years of nursing, some of that in gynaecology and obstetrics, and having worked with women who have miscarried or had an abortion, I’ve changed my mind.

I’m not a hard core ‘anti-abortionist’, I don’t feel emotionally charged against it, and I would never accuse or judge a woman who has had an abortion, but I’m logically against it.

It’s strange, but when a woman wants to have a baby, the moment she finds out she is pregnant she often sees that embryo inside her as a life, sometimes as part of the family, and may even have names lined up. And if she miscarries, she mourns as one having lost her baby.

Yet if she doesn’t want it, she may see it as a clump of cells.

Judging by the infamous ‘Shout your abortion‘ movement and various celebrities that say they would be ‘proud’ to have an abortion, I’m left wondering by what standard we judge human life to be life.

Any biologist will tell you that an embryo is life, human life, and the combined DNA from each parent has set in motion everything that life can possibly become.

Does a human life only have value in the eye of the beholder?
READ MORE: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/104329381/when-is-a-life-a-life-thats-what-abortion-comes-down-to

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