Youth exposed to high levels of violence in music videos

violent music videosStuff 17 March 2015
New Zealand youth are exposed to high levels of violent content in music videos, new research confirms.

A study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal showed more than a third of music videos recorded from television music channel Juice TV over a two week period in 2010 contained violence and violent themes.

The study authors, public health researchers from the University of Otago, called for more regulation to curb access to the violent material and education for artists, parents and educators.

Associate Professor Nick Wilson said there should be tighter regulation of music videos paid for by the taxpayer through New Zealand On Air.

“Personally, I don’t want my taxes used to make violent music videos,” he said.

The study, funded by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), analysed 861 videos for violence, including suicidal behaviour, death and Goth culture themes.

Of the 338 videos with violence, 42 per cent contained sexual content, with 20 per cent of those including violence and sex in the same scene.

Violence was less common in the videos for New Zealand artists.

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