Youth mental health problems double in 10 years, Covid-19 impact could be ‘extensive’
Stuff 3 September 2020
Family First Comment: Here’s the interesting thing.
The deterioration started happening around 2007.
Anybody remember what also happened around 2007?
Mental health conditions amongst Kiwi youth have doubled in the past decade, and could get worse in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, according to research out of Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures at The University of Auckland.
Experts have described the country’s mental health woes as “a silent pandemic of psychological distress”, and are calling for urgent action to better understand the rapid rise in issues amongst youth.
Psychologists and academics want to know more about the factors that impact on mental health, and effective strategies for prevention and intervention.
The collection of experts providing commentary on the matter were Sir Peter Gluckman, professor Richie Poulton and Rochelle Menzies.
They said the past decade has seen a “rapid and concerning rise” in youth psychological distress and suicide rates.
“Nationally, poor mental health for youth is persistently inequitable and worsening.”