WARNING: This blog is NOT woke
“They participate in politics in a way other advocacy groups can only dream of. It’s not a stretch to say that director Bob McCoskrie is much more politically influential than the average backbench MP…. I marvel at being able to see up close a machine that’s been so influential in shaping and driving conservative politics in New Zealand. I wonder if the forces of social liberalism really understand what they’re up against.”
THE SPINOFF (not exactly a friend or supporter of Family First!)
Interview with Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters
Keep reading to get the latest news, commentary and opinions directly from Bob McCoskrie. For Family First news, go to their website at familyfirst.org.nz
News and Commentary from Bob
McBLOG – Who is Tim Walz and why you should be worried
“What is a woman?” 23,500+ Petition Presented to Parliament
Detransitioner Walt Heyer’s key question to ask
Who is Kamala Harris?
When ideology overrides biology, women get hurt
Netanyahu’s speech to Congress that you probably didn’t hear
DEI is DIE-ing
Hey Paris, will you do Islam also?
Who is JD Vance and is he a social conservative?
New Zealand needs a voice that can research and advocate for strong families and safe communities. We also need an unbiased objective media that reports different perspectives on the important issues.
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